Please note, the next shipping date for online orders will be Sept 24, 2021. Thank you.

Crystal Guide

I get asked a lot about choosing crystals and how to select them based on life circumstances. Here are some recommendations on the most common reasons people buy crystal jewelry.

Healing from heartache 

Black TourmalineDanburiteRose Quartz

Celebrating friendship 

AmethystQuartzRose QuartzPink Tourmaline 

Recovering from illness 


Focus for studying 

FluoriteSmokey Quartz   

Finding love 

Rose QuartzClear QuartzAqua Aura Garnet 

Dealing with grief 

Rose QuartzSmoky QuartzLepidolite Aquamarine 

New parent 

Tangerine Quartz,  AmethystCelestiteChrysocolla 

Recent graduate 


Acquiring success & wealth 

CitrinePyrite, Garnet 

Healing from anxiety & stress 

LepidoliteDanburiteAmethystFluoriteBlack Tourmaline Aquamarine 

Strengthening physical health & wellness

Green TourmalineClear Quartz 

Have something specific in mind? Email me any questions! These are just my go-to's. There are so many ways to use individual crystals. Each and every wearer brings their own energy.